بنیاد عبدالرحمن برومند

برای حقوق بشر در ایران

امید، یادبودی در دفاع از حقوق بشر در ایران
یک سرگذشت

محمد ک


سن: ۲۹
ملیت: افغانستان
مذهب: نامعلوم
وضعیت تأهل: نامعلوم


تاریخ کشته‌شدن: ۲۷ فروردین ۱۳۹۱
محل: شيراز، استان فارس، ايران، زندان مرکزی (عادل آباد)
نحوه کشته‌شدن: حلق آویز
اتهامات: قاچاق مواد مخدر


The story of Mr. Mohammad K. is not complete.

To complete this story in Omid we need your help. Mr. Mohammad K.’s biographical information as well as information regarding the arrest, the charges, the evidence provided by the authorities, the defense, the trial and the judgment, will help us complete this page dedicated to the victim’s memory.

By sharing this information, you will prevent the tragic killing of a human being from fading into oblivion; you will help us bring to light any abuse of his human rights; you will contribute a piece to the puzzle of Iran’s history of state violence that will be of the utmost importance for future justice and democratic reforms; and you will be part of a truth telling movement that aspires to the protection of every single citizen’s human rights in Iran.

Please share your information with the Omid Memorial and help us complete Mr. Mohammad K.’s story.

We appreciate your support.

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